Soul Conversations

Companionship for wherever you are in your spiritual journey

My Vision for Spiritual Direction

There are countless definitions for spiritual direction and many different ways to approach the work. You need to know what you want from this experience and find a director whose vision aligns with yours. 

So here’s what I hope to do as a spiritual director: provide you with a safe space to ask, wonder, and say the things you can’t in your daily life and relationships. This is especially true of spiritual matters. If you aren’t comfortable bringing certain questions, ponderings, or personal experiences to your faith community, this could be the place for you! 

Here, you will find no shame, no preaching, and probably very few answers…but you will find compassion and, hopefully, a companion for your journey.

Spiritual Companionship

You and I are each on our own journey, but we do have the opportunity to “travel” together from time to time. In spiritual direction, this companionship will happen in the context of monthly sessions, 50 minutes each. I currently hold these sessions virtually (i.e. Zoom/FaceTime, etc.), over the phone, and in-person in Beaverton, Oregon.

When we come together for our sessions, we focus on your current life experience and the thoughts and feelings that come up then. We release our need to solve problems and instead seek to be present in the here and now. Together, we listen for the voice of the ultimate “Director” (i.e., God, Creator, Spirit, the Divine, Love,…).

Want to know more? Click the link below to book a free consultation and discover if spiritual direction is right for you!