Trusted Team Building Facilitator

Growing healthy companies through honest conversations. 

The Whole (Team) is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts*

In theory, you agree with this idea; however, you’re just not experiencing it in reality. Not on your team, at least. And you’re stumped.

You’ve got a great bunch of individuals–all incredibly capable and quite skilled at their jobs. Superstars, even.

But, as a group? Well, let’s just say that when there are “fireworks”, they aren’t the fun kind.

*Aristotle (basically) said that

These Team Dynamics are Taking a Toll on You

As a leader, you’ve been tasked with creating a team of the best and brightest to support your organization’s mission. And you did–or you thought you did. But every time you think you’ve got your dream team assembled, some kind of conflict arises and you have to deal with that instead of the work you came here to do. 

It’s draining your resources:

  • You’re spending countless hours in 1:1 meetings, helping staff solve their interpersonal problems

  • Turnover remains high, redirecting precious time and money to recruitment and onboarding

  • Lack of clarity on the team leads to missed project deadlines, keeping you from achieving your goals

  • You don’t yet trust the team to make big decisions in your absence, so you remain on call even when you’re on vacation

  • Your own job satisfaction is beginning to wane…

This is not what you had in mind when you took on this leadership role.

Leadership Isn’t Easy, but It Should Be Enjoyable

Let’s be clear, you never thought this would be a cakewalk.

You’re not afraid of hard work and you expect to encounter challenges along the way. But when you find most of your time being spent putting out little fires, you can’t help daydreaming about getting to invest your time in things like:

  • High-level decision making

  • Imagining new ways to push the mission forward

  • Developing leaders among the staff

  • Building a sustainable business able to meet whatever the future brings

For those things to take place, you need a team that:

  • You trust to work well together, especially when you’re not around

  • Is empowered to make thoughtful decisions for their departments

  • Seeks to resolve interpersonal conflict on their own

  • Keeps themselves accountable to decisions made and deadlines set

  • Is characterized by interdependence and growth

  • …just plain works!

Sound too good to be true? It doesn’t have to be!

Together, We Can Build the Team of Your Dreams

Of course, we know that “teamwork makes the dream work”, but repeating that mantra won't make it a reality. We have to move beyond telling people why they have to work together and begin showing them how.

Remember I said healthy companies grow out of honest conversations? Well, I stand by that! And I prefer to begin the conversation with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This is just one way to understand–and talk about–the many ways people approach their work, make decisions, and interact with the world. 

When we work together, we’ll begin with an assessment of each of your team members' “types”. I like to use the assessment offered by TypeCoach. This will help us to understand the unique makeup of your team. It will also provide a framework for talking about individual styles and team dynamics.

In addition to the assessments, you get to decide how honest the conversation is going to get. And how much support you want in the process.

Check out the packages below to find out what suits you–and your team–best.

Team Building Packages

  • Each participant completes the type-verifier process and receives a report for their type.

    Participants also receive online tools to help them in communicating with team members.

  • Team members learn the fundamentals of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This video is available to all team members.

    Access is granted for 90 days.

  •  The Team Leader receives a selection of training exercises with facilitation tips.

    Each exercise is designed to reinforce participants’ understanding of type.

  • Optional meeting time with project sponsor/team leader to discuss team dynamics

  • Factor in a minimum of 2 hours for the whole team.

    Final time commitment will depend on you, and the amount of time you wish to spend leading training exercises.

  • Final price depends on the number of participants


  • Each participant completes the type-verifier process and receives a report for their type.

    Participants also receive online tools to help them in communicating with team members.

  • Team members learn the fundamentals of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This video is available to all team members.

    Access is granted for 90 days.

  • The consultant meets with the team on-site or in a virtual setting.

    The training incorporates the team's composition into customized exercises and discussions.

  • Optional meeting time with project sponsor/team leader to discuss team dynamics

  • Factor in a minimum of 3 hours for the whole team.

  • Final price depends on the number of participants

Basic Support

  • Each participant completes the type-verifier process and receives a report for their type.

    Participants also receive online tools to help them in communicating with team members.

  • The consultant designs and facilitates a customized ½ day training with all participants, on-site or in a virtual setting.

    The training uses exercises to highlight the relevance of type theory for the team.

  • Optional meeting time with project sponsor/team leader to discuss team dynamics

  • Factor in a minimum of 5 hours for the whole team.

  • Final price depends on the number of participants

Advanced Support

  • Each participant completes the type-verifier process and receives a report for their type.

    Participants also receive online tools to help them in communicating with team members.

  • The consultant designs and facilitates a customized ½ day training with all participants, on-site or in a virtual setting.

    The training uses exercises to highlight the relevance of type theory for the team.

  • The consultant surveys all participants about their type and how it impacts their work.

    Feedback is confidential. The consultant considers this when designing training content and communicating themes to leadership.

  • The consultant coordinates with the team leader to identify a current business problem.

    The consultant incorporates a problem-solving exercise in the context of type training.

  • Optional meeting time with project sponsor/team leader to discuss team dynamics

  • Factor in a minimum of 6 hours for the whole team.

    Final time commitment will depend on the length of time spent on problem-solving exercises.

  • Final price depends on the number of participants and time dedicated to problem-solving activity

Expert-Level Support

Where do you want your team to go?